I'm Hardworking ,eager to learn new things and am good at solving problems. I'm extremely adept at solving bigger tasks by breaking them into a collection of smaller tasks and making progress with the individual smaller tasks and finish them tailor knit as asked. Also I really take pleasure in solving complex maths problems and feel that most of my problem solving abilities come for there.
I'm a Skilled programmer who has experience with various languages such as C ,C++ and Python.
I'm also learning and am proficient in Data Structures and Algorithms and love learning new algorithms a lot.
I'm proficient in basic web design elements like HTML, CSS and JS and also am adept at using modern frameworks like Bootstrap and JQuery
I have good knowledge of various undergraduate topics in maths.
Apart from that i do have experience with budgeting and other essential financial skills and have a basic understanding of markets and business.I'm also a part of an idea with a couple of friends.